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Four men at outdoor wedding leaving messages on an After the Tone audio guestbook

6 Ideas for What to Say in Your Audio Guestbook Voicemail

November 10, 2022

Learn how to overcome stage fright with an audio guestbook voicemail! Leave a heartfelt message for your loved ones on their special day, creating lasting memories. 🎙️💕

Bailey Yackley
Bailey Yackley

Raise your hand if you've ever felt personally victimized by stage fright🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

Don't worry, you're not alone. Why can it feel like the more significant a moment is in life, the harder it is to find the perfect words to say? Spoiler: It's because words are hard, that's why. The key is to not give up, because at the end of the day, we promise you’ll be happy you participated.

If you’re feeling nervous, that’s okay! The good news is an audio guestbook is a lot more private and a lot less pressure than an open mic in front of the entire party. Instead, the phone serves as an inviting and interactive way to leave a voicemail for your loved one, and helps you truly feel like they’re on the other side listening. So, tell yourself what the iconic Gloria Gaynor once said, "I Will Survive", and pick up that telephone like you're the modern-day Socrates—because you will not only survive, but thrive (especially after reading this blog 😉).

Why You Should Take the Time to Leave an Audio Guestbook Voicemail

Whether you're at a wedding, a milestone birthday party, a graduation or a baby shower, we get it—the energy can be overwhelming and chaotic. However, there's a reason for that. These events are the ones that truly matter, so of course it can get a little stressful at times. 

Two girls holding vintage blue phone audio guestbook
The phone gives guests the opportunity to leave a message for their favorite people, whether it’s an inside joke, a fun memory, or a piece of their best advice!

It's also crucial to remember that whoever the guest(s) of honor is/are, they wanted YOU, the one-and-only, in attendance to share this memory with them. So first off, give yourself a pat on the back for that. You're #important.

That being said, when the couple or the special guest relives the memories of this event in the future, they want to remember you in them! That's where we come in. The audio guestbook is your chance to not only wish your loved one(s) well, but remain a part of this event, and a part of their lives, forever. So, even if it's short-'n-sweet, leaving a message is the ultimate gift you can give to those who are special to you.

6 Ideas for Your Audio Guestbook Message

Still unsure of what to say? Our team is here to help! Whether you have a bit of liquid courage to leverage or are braving the telephone audio guestbook totally sober, we've got your back. Here are 6 foolproof ideas for your voicemail that are sure to make your loved one smile (or tear up).

1. Tell a mini story of something that happened at the event.

Big events make it impossible for everyone to catch every single moment. Consider thinking of something funny, sentimental, or moving that the bride and groom (or other guest of honor) may have missed on their big day! For example, one our customers and a recent bride, Sarah Kastelic, recently wrote in a review: 

“Some messages are so heartfelt and special, some messages are so hysterical we have to go back and relisten, then some are hidden facts we didn’t learn until we heard our voicemails for the first time (my 5 year old flower girl apparently locked some of my bridesmaids in the bridal suite)”

Yes, we LOL'd when we first read that, too.😆

2. Share your favorite memory with the couple or guest.

A classic way to stand out in your audio guestbook voicemail is by mentioning something only you and the couple or guest of honor will understand/find special. 

Before you step up to the telephone, consider thinking of one of your best or earliest memories with the person/people, your favorite thing about them, and how you all got to this point in life. Personal touches always win. Then, of course, cheers to the future together!

After The Tone is a vintage audio guestbook that lets you leave voicemails for your loved ones on their special day.

3. Describe what's going on around you.

Again, big days like weddings, milestone birthdays, graduations, they can get hectic. Make sure the guest of honor never forgets the essence, the energy, the aura of that day! 

A great way to do this is to describe what's going on around you. Who's standing next to you as you leave your message? What drink are you sippin' on? How's the DJ doing? Is there someone cleaning a spill off their dress or doing the Stanky Leg right now? 

Capture it all with your words for the bride & groom—they'll love to relive it years down the road.

4. Offer your best piece of advice/life motto.

Some of the best voicemails we've heard here at After The Tone come from those who give tips or share what they've learned over the years. 

Whether it's a saying you live by every day, or a customized piece of advice for the couple or guest—share it! When your loved ones listen back, they'll be humbled to discover they have an undercover prophet in their inner circle.

Here's a short ‘n sweet example from the brother of bride Kirsten Wilson, reminding the couple to never forget that they’re meant for each other:


5. Describe what you think your relationship with the person will be like in 10 years.

If you really want to stand out in your audio guestbook message, why not take a wild guess as to what the future will look like for you and your loved one, or your loved one and their spouse. 

You can even start with, "Right now, you're probably listening to this 10 years from now doing..." and finish the sentence! It's sure to make them smile (or drop their jaw depending on the accuracy level). You aren’t psychic, are you…?

6. Even if you're not the type to express in words what someone means to you, give it a try!

If you really want to stand out in your audio guestbook message, why not take a wild guess as to what the future will look like for you and your loved one, or your loved one and their spouse.

Everyone expresses love in different ways. Oop- is this reminding you of the love language quiz? Don't worry, we're not going to quiz you today. 

But, if you know you're not the biggest words of affirmation person, this is a great opportunity to share what your loved one means to you. Try mentioning three positive adjectives that describe them, let them know you're proud of who they are, and if you love them, say it out loud! We guarantee they will cherish those words every time they listen to your voicemail. 

So, which idea are you going with? Remember, you can totally do this! And while a little preparation can go a long way, don't overthink it. As long as it comes from the heart, your message will be everything it needs to be for your sister, your best friend, your mom, whoever it may be on their special day. And don’t forget the most important rule: have fun!

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